October 22th

 October 22nd, I woke up at 8:30am as usual. I got up, showered, and got dressed. I let my MacBook charge while I got ready because it was about to die. After I was done, I went to the restroom and then I was on my way to class. My first class is Arts/Humanities West Culture with Dr. Kaluhiokalani. We went over Dolly Partson and her influence on culture. The lecture lasted the entire 50 minutes and I got very bored. After that class, I went to Theories of Personality with Dr. Meyer. We continued to go over Erik Erikson and his psychoanalytic theory. We paused the lecture to watch a brief documentary on Erikson’s theories. This was moderately interesting, so the lecture didn’t feel as long as the class prior. After that, I had an hour-long break after that class so I decided to get Chipotle for lunch. I ordered my usual bowl on the app, which is double brown rice, no beans, chicken, cheese, and the tomatillio red salsa. I drove to Cambridge, picked it up, and drove back. All in all, it took me about 25 to 30 minutes, leaving me half an hour to eat my food at get ready for my next class. Once I was finished eating, I got my afternoon classes material packed into my bookbag and then I was on my way to Intro to Criminal Justice with Dr. Bennett. During the class, we went over how Police use force legally. The professor lectured before showing us a documentary on a specific case where excessive force was used. We then continued the lecture until class ended at 1:50pm. After that class, I had Intro to Computer Sciences with Professor Shaffstall. During this class, we went over how to use certain commands that would help us with the Addition Lab. After he gave us the commands and their codes, he gave us time to work on the lab and get it done. Unfortunately, I didn’t complete it in the time allocated and had to turn it in on Monday. After my class, I had an hour and a half break before my PLUS meeting. I sat in my bed and watched my favorite show, Trailer Park Boys. I finished about 5 episodes before it was time for my meeting at 4:30pm. I went to Walter Hall, attended my meeting where I mostly just used the time to rant about some things. I then went back to my dorm room where I took a nap and watched TV the rest of the day.


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